Friday, June 1, 2012

Taking a Quick Break in Travels with Kiely for This Announcement:

We got a new kitty on Tuesday evening because when Andrew and I both work Emerson is left alone all day long and we felt he needed a pal. I'd been against getting a kitten but Emerson is now Andrew's cat (I'm assuming because he gives the best belly rubs) and I kind of got jealous. So Andrew pretty much gave me this kitten, even though I didn't want it. I'm smitten with this kitten!

Her name is Olive.


  1. AWWW look at the keeety!!!

    Great pics, love! I like the one where she looks mischevious, and the one where Emerson is nuzzling the top of her head.

  2. I think I'm in love with your kittys. I love the last 2 photos especially!


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