Monday, October 18, 2010

Quality men here in Provo

Today was a great day. Did the church thing, went to ward prayer and afterwards had to deliver a note to every house in the ward, thanks to the "jungle" house writing love notes to everyone inviting them to their house. They had little monkeys on them. I wore a pedometer and walked over two miles to deliver them all. ( Friends who have no idea what I'm talking about: delivering hand written notes by others is part of my calling in church, it's basically a pleasantry)

Stupid monkeys.

My "friend" from church decided he would make something that wasn't his business in the first place...his business. He came over to tell me that I could have a good chance snagging his super shy roommate  if I could just be best friends and get close, he would eventually soften up to me, then he said "it would be a good idea to lose weight too, that would increase your chances"


First of all I didn't invite him over to talk, I could care less what happens with his roommate. We are already friends and if things progress great if not great I really don't care, I still get a friend out of the deal.

I got upset at this guy and told him to leave, admittedly I was bawling when I did it and ran upstairs hysterical. Later we  were texting  (I know juvenile) and he never said sorry. Only that I had a "vendetta" against all men, and he didn't know he had to walk on egg shells.  What a jerk.  I explained to him that talking about women and their body is a big no no, women want to be beautiful and it doesn't matter which man gives you a good or bad comment we remember it forever.

I am still pretty upset by it and now I can't sleep. It takes weeks and months for women to forget comments like that. And mere minutes to forget a compliment.

Some think I'm being picky, and that's why I'm not married yet. Turns out maybe the boys are being overly picky.

Dear future husband,
I will never be a trophy wife. BUT I will love you for eternity, I will raise your children, I will stand by you no matter what, I will be your best friend, I will support you. I only hope you can look past physical attributes that aren't labeled as perfect and see me for the beautiful girl I am.

Love always




  1. i want to know how he didn't see what he said as cruel. I am the person who wants to say something mean back just to see if he would understand it. But I would feel bad doing that, I guess. You are beautiful and guys just need to get over themselves sometimes....and learn what not to say to a girl! I mean, does he ever expect to snag a quality woman with that attitude?

  2. Schmuck indeed. And word to the Corinnie. Sorry that happened Laur. Hoping you forget very soon that thoughtless comment from (what sounds like) a complete moron.

  3. You really WOULD be a trophy wife, though.

  4. This is like the 4th blog post you've made about a "grown man" being a complete pig. Don't let them make you cry Laura, they're not worth it!! You tell these *boys* that the only woman who's actually going to care about their little opinions is most likely their mother, so they should ask themselves if "mommy" would be pleased to know they think it's ok to talk to women that way.

    And I got plenty more one liners where that came from if you need more. But you hold your head up high! I'm angry that people feel the need to make you feel bad about yourself! You have nothing to be ashamed of, and the real men are going to recognize you for all that you are, a real woman. You are powerful, don't be afraid to be!

    Ok, 'nuff ranting, but you know I'm in your corner!

  5. It IS amazing how rude and insensitive some men can be... but don't give up hope there are some men out there who aren't like that...unfortunately it seems like they are harder and harder to find. Do not let that dumb boy get you down you are WAY better than that. Any guy is darn lucky to have a creative, free-spirited, spiritually sensitive, spontaneously funny, and ultimate caring woman like you. i love you! and I'm glad I finally found your blog!

  6. I'm so sorry! Just remember that you really are beautiful and when you find a guy who appreciates what an amazing and beautiful person you are (inside and out), it will totally be worth the wait! And I'm pretty sure you can keep being picky, because you deserve the best!


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