Friday, October 15, 2010

Post it

I can't sleep. Usually about 3-4 times a week I lay here until 1 or 2 thinking about things. Nothing extraordinarily significant, just things. I will go over my day, conversations, think about school and painting etc. Sometimes my thoughts just go in a loop, like a horse running around and around in a corral kicking up dusty memories and injecting them into places they don't belong, creating interesting branches of how my day went along with something my grandpa said (or didn't say) before he died or how he looked in his rocking chair with a beer in his hand. When sleep doesn't come I take a natural supplement or if I'm really desperate I'll call Andrew, he's terribly boring over the phone (but fun in real life!) and usually with in 15 or so minutes I'm ready to pass out...

Post it

One of the images that can't leave my mind tonight is sticky notes, you know the little papers that remind you of menial tasks you need to accomplish during the day or sometime in the next week. I don't use them very often but I do ask God occasionally by means of a mental sticky note to keep track of things I want to know when I make it back home. I imagine a big wall with all my stickies asking silly things, I also hope God knows things I want to see and will show me those as well. What I am trying to say is, death will be great because you will know so many new things!

Today was great, I had sushi with my friend Jessica, then I went to a park and painted for hours. I came home and made my own art portfolio for 5 dollars instead of spending 20 dollars. I had dinner with Toby (the dog) and watched ghost shows about the Great Wall. Then I made good conversation and homemade coasters with Skoticus, came home did a pirate dance for Summer had a good laugh and just laid here thinking of all the goodness in my life.

One more mental sticky for the wall..." thanks :) "

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! Thank you for sharing your profound ideas.


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