Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lets be happy.

In lieu of recent blogs and depressing days, I feel like jotting down a few funny things that happened to me that I would like to remember during this trying time.

I learned of an assignment due at 4 pm today at 3:50 pm, I got it done and posted on Black Board at 3:58 my classmates applauded silently.

The assignment was picking a research question, the only thing I could come up with on a dime's notice (what does that even mean anyway) was "Should American Indians be getting welfare?" I now sound like a bigot and have to do research on that topic.

I hope I can change that question.

I did some light painting last night at a park here in Provo with my friend Lindsey, when we accomplished a stick figure I acted as though I had just won a large sum of money.

I got paid today to watch Shrek 2 and color, best day ever.

Soggy peanut butter and jelly samiches are reminiscent of my childhood, I now feel that peanut butter samiches should be eaten asap.

I got some awesome Holga pictures of fall today, I'm pretty exited to get that film developed.

Started reading an article "Researchers used more than 100 giant fans to create hurricane-force winds in an experiment Tuesday that crumpled an ordinary home within minutes but left a better-built home standing at its side."

I couldn't figure out what football and hurricane-force winds had in common. I kept imagining 100 stubbly, stout men, jersey clad and running at a house trying to knock it over. It didn't make a lick of sense. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you look at life. And you crack me up! Hope that school is looking up and that I get to see you soon!


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