Saturday, July 17, 2010

Garden love

My garden is a special place for me, as a garden is for anyone who has one. I cleared the brush, smoothed the dirt, and laid compost down...gross stinky compost. I planted seeds and waited for them to grow, I have been planning the vegi's I wanted since March. Now it's July and I should be getting some produce from my hard work in a couple of weeks. My garden is my space, they are my plants that I have raised and watched over. They are wild and grow where they want, every way spreading out into the available sunlight. Sometimes around dusk you can find me there laying next to my plants watching them listening to them grow, crawling through the dirt and looking under their turgid leaves for hidden flowers and masked fruits. I love my garden, and I am proud of it. 

Eggplant flower, ridiculously awkward thing but my favorite in the garden. 

 I have incorporated a lot of wild flowers into my garden this year, I sometimes leave the pretty weeds too just to add to my eclectic array.


 This one should be blooming soon.

 Cute little sweet 100's, the only tomato I will eat off the vine, all others need to be cooked first before they taste good to me. 

 I do love the way tom plants smell though, kind of skunky. 

Peach from papa Carr's garden


 Papa Carr! 

 Toby hang's with us while we are in the garden


 My friend at work told me I had to do the "sex" for the melons because they couldn't. I said "uh, bees?" She insisted that's what you have to do, so I went out this morn to do the deed (haha) but decided not too, if nature wants to give me melons she will! 

Bee-sides, I really don't think I should have a problem. We have a hive just over the fence :) 


  1. Don't feel bad about doing the deed. (if it was a problem of course) I had to pollinate vanilla for like two months because there is no natural way to get vanilla to grow (at least in Tahiti). Those were some of my favorite times! Sharing the gospel in the vanilla fields in the jungle.

  2. Yea, I know. I love that story and in fact I thought of you this morning when I was about to pick off some of the flowers and "shake" them? I don't know. I am just letting the bees do all the work.


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