Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I did something crazy!!

As I am sitting there quietly minding my own business studying for a test, I got one of those feelings that I should do something. Not just for me but for the Lord. I have a gift, God usually will speak to me pretty loudly and I will obey. Whether it be in prayer about life stuff, or pouring my heart on the table for the first time in months. I have always gotten answers quickly and without doubt, usually just for that day... other days are different :)  I can't even begin to tell you some of the crazy things he has had me do in the past. But this gift lets me know things, things about people I love when they are in need or things I need to do. I am very blessed to have this communication with him.

A couple of weeks ago I saw a poster advertising a service trip to Mexico, at that moment I knew I wanted to go but when I checked it out not only was it for a mere 20 students but it was also incredibly expensive, I thought to myself "self, NO WAY!"  I put it out of my mind until today.

Today during my studying I felt as though I should call the volunteer center on campus and inquire if a spot was open or not, my first reaction was " it closed a week ago, they aren't taking anymore people" I kept thinking about it until I became so anxious I couldn't focus anymore so I called. There just happened to be 1 spot open, and the first meeting was today at 4. I went, filled out paper work, signed my death waiver and paid my deposit.

We will be flying into Mexico City, which is one of the places I've wanted to go AND will see a real volcano as we land, a two hour drive on a bus (they assured us it wouldn't be a chicken bus... and I was mildly disappointed) and we will be in a small village outside of Queretaro Mexico for 7 days to lay cement floors in several homes that currently have dirt floors, beginning construction on a community learning center, painting over graffiti and instructing in classrooms.  I will have free time in the evenings to do fun things, and there will be a free day to hike local water falls. I will be there from May 18th to May 25th.

This is so awesome!

I am absolutely happy. I could not have thought of a better way to jump start my life, I had been feeling so selfish and self centered because I am also going on a cruise this Summer. Things will be incredibly tight for the next month but after that I should be fine. God is great! I feel super energized spiritually and I am so happy.

I need to learn some spanish, and this is very physical so I will need to increase my weight lifting and cardio but that's OK I am pretty strong but I know I can be stronger!

I'm wide awake
I'm wide awake
Wide awake
I'm not sleeping
Oh, no, no, no

U2- Bad


  1. oh my gosh! this is absolutely amazing Laura! I know you'll do great things in Mexico. :) I am ever so jealous that you can go and do this for a week.

    The Lord will definitely bless you financially between now and then. I know He will.

  2. THIS IS SO AWESOME. Good work.

    Good, good, work.

  3. i wrote you a long e-mail about this.... i hope you have fun and a life changing experience in Mexico!


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