Friday, June 19, 2009

weeks activities

So this week has been really stressful for me, work is changing, friends are changing, farmers market is changing. All these things take a bit of acclimation.

1. We got some new students in our area and they are difficult, 2 staff walked out within three days.
2. I realized my problems are no comparison to my friends issues and I can only do so much for them. I cannot fix everyone but I need to be more supportive and learn to balance my life in a healthy manner, and still be able to help and support the people closest to me.
3. Farmers Market management has changed my beloved neighbor is no longer in charge, and I will miss her good work.


We made pizza at my work!! Debi and I got into a bit of a flour fight

Logan and Sara got hitched! I loved Logan! Still do! Sarah is a wonderful girl and she is so lucky to have a guy like that! I was Logan's pseudo therapist for a while before she got home from her mission and married his butt. Absolutely darling this girl is!

Lindsey's (or weenie as the guys call her) hair is all over the place!

This is Debi Stewart, she is one of my clients and I love her very much. I call her my Minnie me she bosses everyone around just like me and clings to my side. I have been meaning to take some portraits of her, she has been given only a few more months to live. Before you start to tear up keep in mind she talks about it on a regular basis and it gets really annoying. She constantly asks if I can listen to her heart to make sure it is still beating. Sometimes I tell her she no longer has a heart and we have to look for it. I don't believe she will be gone soon nor do I want to, denial seems to be the best for me in this situation.

1 comment:

  1. i'm sorry, but i couldn't help but tear up...


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