Saturday, June 20, 2009

Farmers Market!

So the day started off late, because I was up till 1 in the morning preparing for farmers market on Friday night. For some stupid reason unknown to me I set my alarm for 730 instead of 700 am and overslept, but we still managed to get there on time. Unfortunately the weather had different plans as well and it was a bit stormy around 1130 am, we had to hold down everything because it was blowing away, and a lot of vendors left. We stuck around anyhow, I think I love the market best because people give you such great compliments on your art! I get praised all the time about how "talented" I am, meanwhile deep down I'm saying to myself "wow really?! because I may just be compensating for the hole I have in my life due to not having a perfect body, being too intimidated to get a real education and no husband" But I will take anything I can get. There are a ton of hot guys walking around and Sum and I cat call them. That's right, we're those girls. I love it when my friends come and support me! Jessica and Liann stopped by to chat for like an hour, Liann and I got tie dye skirts, which I am way excited for! Jessica brought 20.00 and spent about 12 of it on random food. I introduced her to the Arabic food stand where they sold falafel's, tabbouleh, baklava, and an array of yummy side dishes like couscous, I will take pics next week of those I was too busy eating and not thinking of anything other than yummy tabbouleh. I walked around and took pictures of some of the vendors and their arts.

I really liked this guy he does some spectacular stained glass.

These ladies are rockin the plant holders 70's style!
This couple were really talented in the wood department! look at the crinkles in the boots.

This guy hand makes his glass beads.
I love the produce! It is starting to come up more with the vendors as the season progresses.


  1. I am so bummed I didn't make it! I overslept and didn't shower as fast as I thought I did. week though, I'll have use of a car but no money to spend. Stupid bills...

  2. you MUST introduce me to arabic food at some point... i have no one to eat ethnic foods with except you! when i helped my friend move, there was a thai place in town, so i had to go get some spring rolls... she thought it was weird.


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