Thursday, June 25, 2009


Despite its paper-thin wings, the monarch butterfly is a powerful flyer with uncanny endurance. It is best known for its annual migration through -- sometimes as far as 3,000 miles--North America to California and Mexico. Now the question do they do it? is it instinct, pheromones, intelligence? I have always kind of wondered about these creatures and others similar to their habits. Like the crabs on Christmas Island, during the migration, the crabs cover the routes to the coast so densely that they can be seen from the air. Volunteers shovel the crabs off the roads and, although no harm is intended, some of the countless millions of crabs inevitably get injured. Instinct.

Is it instinct that we are spiritual beings? I really could never understand fully how people could be so sure that there was no God or being out there that could have created such a beautiful world. A being who thought about every last detail of a large and lustrous flower tucked away far inside jungle walls where no one can see the hard work? Natures indulgence! Or what about deep in oceans where every few hundred feet down of water has life forms that perfectly fit that habitat? Even under thousands of pounds of pressure? Every thing having a job or purpose to thier lives. Bottom feeders that live on debris from the surface that float down. They go about their daily lives doing what they do best under instincts direction, having adapted perfectly. I am sure we are not here just to meander through our lives working and nothing else, nothing but darkness in the end. I am sure that there is higher direction, above instinct and influence of others. I have had strong spiritual experiences that cannot be ignored as a coincidence, I think miracles come in small packages or phone calls. There is a man who survived having the right side of his skull removed to relieve pressure and the Vatican is investigating on weather or not it should be considered a miracle. Of course it is a miracle!! why are we investigating? Why does the Vatican have to declare it one? I think we should look at our own lives and find tiny miracles in ourselves and others, the human can do extraordinary things maybe not live deep in an ocean or fly 3000 miles. No, instead we love, we love our families, friends, leaders, and even strangers.

1 comment:

  1. very good insights! i think about stuff like this too... sometimes i wonder if other people do. if this constant pondering is good or bad.


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