Saturday, June 27, 2009

Farmers Market!

So the farmers market had an official blog, but since the changes there hasn't been a post I should talk to my neighbor about maybe picking it up. Last night I went to a awesome Thai restaurant called Sawadee I forgot my camera though at home as well as my phone so I was at a loss to some great photos of good food and friends. After the fantastic meal of Pad Thai, yellow tofu curry, garlic chicken and pad see ewe we headed to a place called Hatch's family chocolates. The place is run by little people and before we got there lots of umpa loompa jokes were being thrown around by our group. First off the chocolate was amazing! second I was totally hit on by a girl, I looked around to Rob then Janesse then Kim and nobody was paying attention, which I was bummed but I had a good story later, gotta love the avenues! I woke up this morning and decided I wasn't going to go. Of course it was 6 am, but two hours later I was up and running, no shower and I forgot to brush my teeth, YUCKY! I'm glad I pushed through and made it. I had so much fun with Liz and Tiffany *my neighbors* they are beautiful earthy women and really sweet to talk with. The place was so busy today! I sold 3 paintings and a bunch of bags and even got an order from one of my guy friends! there are a ton of pics that I will put captions under! I'm glad I went today, it was a blast.

This cute and sweet little girl was dressed as a lady bug princess! she has gorgeous eyes!~

Cherries and Peas were showing up today! These peas were from Liz and the cherries are Tiffany's. She had a big pail of them on the ground and let me forage on them all day!

I loved taking pictures of these apples!

It was officially a zoo today! Everyone brought their pets, this is Bella she was so cute and cuddly!

One of the bunnies for sale
There was a girl playing a fiddle during the day, here she is playing for 3 little can even get a massage at the farmers market!

Funky treasures!

A real rock band was playing.OK these guys (Aaron top and Alex bottom) cracked me up, Aaron had no problem modeling my bags with out me asking him and the funny thing is he pulled it off! Alex actually ordered a bag from me, he wants the Grateful Dead skull logo on the front of his man-purse.


  1. Dude! I was totally going to come today but then I got your text...sad days! Geez...I guess I'll have to wait 2 weeks to see you.

  2. Ummm, the grateful dead guy is super cute. hello.

  3. This makes me totally home sick! (AW! This might mean Provo is home...I need to think about that.)

    You even have two of my old roommates on here! (Alex and Aaron are totally awesome guys.)

  4. we miss you Scott you should come back!!! :)

  5. Don't forget to post pics of the manpurse when you're done!


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