Up in the canyon I came upon this darling father and son doing the simple thing... fishing! I love these moments and I am very grateful to them for letting me take a few pics. It actually reminded me of my own dad. He used to drag me fishing with him early in the morning, he really wanted me to be a tomboy and I was, just not very good at fishing. By the time we got out there to the lake or river and got all set up, the lures baited and worms on their hooks, me all wrapped up in dad's flannel shirt or over sized coat that smelled like dirt and oil. I would almost always tangle the fishing line before he even had a good chance to toss a good cast. He would always let me reel in the fish, and we always threw it back. When my dad would go fishing with my uncle Tom they would go really late at night and catch catfish and bring those ones back and put them in my kiddie pool. They were huge and ugly but my dad could cook till they tasted like a gourmet meal. I love my pappy!
Happy Fathers day!
AWWWWW! i loved your story! i'm assuming this was when you were living in oregon or idaho, somewhere that wasn't kingman. i love your pic, too!