Word of the Day: Voluntold
The exact opposite of volunteering. Always used in reference to an unpleasant task to which you have been assigned by your boss.
Example 1: Co-worker 1: I hear you got a transfer. Co-worker 2: Yeah. I didn't want to, but I was voluntold.
Quote of the Day:
Laura: I think Bootstrap's dead.
Laura: Tell that to the basement demon! The whole house smells like dead bodies.
Currently listening to: No Questions Asked: by Fleetwood Mac
So in order to properly pay for my excursion to Jamaica and other awesome places but mostly Jamaica (only 'cause Logan talked about how cool it was ) I have taken up a third job. Now it will only be maybe 2 days a week. It will be for a company I worked for before and it pays pretty well. I will be a life skills instructor for some girls with disabilities of whom I still see once in a while so it will be like hanging out with my buddies! So let me explain the name of my blog, I have watched way to much 30 rock this weekend and if you know the show the main character Liz was eating a specific brand of Cheetos called sabor de solidad and both Lani and I were baffled at the meaning so we looked it up and it literally means "taste of loneliness" we died laughing and I could not stop thinking about all the other food in the world that could have the same title. Ice cream, cake, mac and cheese! not sushi though sushi rocks. Have I mentioned that on the cruise ship we might have a sushi bar??!!! I'm in love with that idea! Today I was at Highland Elementary in Highland and I noticed a group of small children getting on a bus. The snow is fairly deep there but 2 small girls decided to take a "shortcut" thru the snow. They both were so small that the snow nearly engulfed them up to their knees and they of course fell down and got all covered in snow debris, I laughed pretty hard as I watched them fumble back to the bus brushing off the remaining snow with their cold red hands. I thought about it a bit and thought that if their mother had been there she would have encouraged them to walk the long way around on the sidewalk than make the mistake of trying to gallop thru the snow, but the girls made that decision and paid for that mistake with wet pants. I am the same way I guess I need to continue making mistakes and taking chances, eventually I learn something.
That's so funny...voluntold. Geez. BTW, I love your posts!