Friday, January 23, 2009

junk music

Word of the Day: Mall Feet

The condition of having unusually intense aches and pains in the feet due to exposure to shopping malls. Most commonly presented in males, presumably due to two factors. First, there is an inherent inability to withstand the excess gravity resulting from the densely packed merchandise. Second, females often burden males with the charge of carrying gratuitous quantities of purchases far greater than the typical wallet loading.

There is no cure, though treatments may include reclining chairs and bottled beverages.
"Honey, you don't need any more bags. Let's go. I'm really tired, and I've had mall feet since the food court."

Quote of the Day:

"Laura! you missed it! Little Debbie was choking and her teeth fell out! " ~Lindsey

Currently listening to: The Devil's Paintbrush Road ~ Wailin' Jenny's

Book Review: Female Brain by Louann Brizendine

I found the book very interesting as she contrasted the difference in brain functions between men and women. I found myself using the words Oxytocin and Progesterone more often than I like to admit, I am now telling my pregnant co-worker what kind of chemical changes are going on in her brain as well and my friend who just broke up with her boy but can't stop making out with him I informed her she was addicted to the hormones that were being released and it was ok that she kept going back to canoodle because we all do it at some point in relationships but not to become a doormat. Very good read and informative. The next book will be Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver

I was thinking about how much I love music today, trying to fill in the blank spaces of my mind with perplexing thoughts of such things. I was thinking that there is a difference to me in music on the radio now days. It feels like I am listening to junk food! There are all the busy sounds of Rap with cell phones going off and police sirens, and how country music just sounds like pop music with a banjo or fiddle thrown in. I prefer folk music above all others, it sounds more homemade and worked for. Like the people making it actually thought about what they wanted to say. They wanted to get across a message to someone or bare their soul about a life expiereince, I love the Wailin' Jenny's they are 3 women who mesh their voices in such a way that sounds fabulously haunting. If you apprieciate good music I suggest you look them up!!
I cannot wait till spring! I am going crazy I miss the sun so bad, I feel like I'm wilting in a way I need pizazz! I keep having daydreams of summer days and nights walking barefoot everywhere and wearing skirts everyday. In my daydreams my hair is longer too I love how as humans we anticipate change. I was listening to a talk a few weeks ago and she was talking about how we view change like turning a corner, you see the corner coming and your like "I'm gonna do it this time! I'm going to change!" then when you finally do go around the corner you can't see anything but the corner behind you and bam! you're changed. I feel like that right now, I can't believe how amazing my life is right now and couldn't ask for more! I am so happy. Also I have ideas and wants to entertain I can do anything I want!


  1. i agree... i can't stand most new music, can't listen to the radio without cringing. every once and awhile i'll hear something i like, but it never digs down to my soul. i've been in a Dave mood lately... *sigh* remember our Dave days? i remember driving to Laughlin once and just singing at the top of our lungs to "All Along the Watchtower." i don't know if you still like dave as much as i do, but it sure brings back some great memories! i agree, the folk stuff is the best. i'm going to send you a cd, that's your surprise. hopefully you don't already have it. but scott was listening to it and said the same thing you did... he could listen to that stuff any time because it's just good. and i'm totally digging on that summer feeling, too. daydreaming about starting my garden. OOOH! i'm planning on saving my money to buy me a hammock! one that stands on it's own. how fun would that be?! i lay outside in my bathing suit alot on the picnic table. but i feel funny if anyone walks by on the street...i'm in this small country town, country girls don't sit outside and tan in there bikinis! but it's so relaxing...

  2. I love your word/quote of the day!

  3. I like this blog the best so far. I particularly like the part where you look back and see the corner. I thought it was interesting, I saw this interview with Tyler Perry. He said when you see your dream start to fade away (if you believed in that dream enough initially), there comes a point when that dream will start to dream for you. And, if you just keep moving, it will take you there.

    I'm not really sure I understand what it means, but I thought it was a pretty neat way of saying things, and considering his past, and how he came to fame, I thought it was pretty relevant.

    Love you!

  4. Oops. I signed in as Robert. It's Amy.

  5. I looked up the Jennys like you commanded. Very pretty, I like anything I can sing to! :)


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