Friday, January 30, 2009

well then isn't that nice.

Word of the Day: Bedgasm

A feeling of complete and utter euphoria which peaks when climbing into bed at the end of an 18-hour workday, a long road trip or hours of extremely strenuous physical activity. Under perfect conditions, the physical release has been likened to that of an intense sexual experience.

It was a three hour drive in the middle of the night, I could barely stay awake. When I got home, I climbed under the covers and had a ten-minute bedgasm.

Quote of the Day

Shawn: (in an emergency type way with no reason to be) I have got to get Ryan off the bus *runs out of my office*
Laura: Stat! Mach 11! *runs after Shawn*

Currently listening to : Make me over by Lifehouse

So on Saturday I was doing story time at borders and we were reading the book Stone Soup it's an old tale of a community who desperately needed help gaining each other's trust. It was the Asian version so there was an peace love and happiness undertone of course, but as I read it I became so emotional that I actually teared up while the people began to gain a sense of togetherness. It was funny. "I have some carrots" the old man said. "I have some bok choy" said the seamstress. " I have onions and water chestnut" said the railroad worker. That last part was a joke of course, but it started me to think about Provo and how it really doesn't have a sense of community. With all the college students and come and goers (like me) it seems impossible to do so. Enter the Carr family my close and wonderfully supportive crazy friend Summer and her family have that sense. I love going to their house it's old and falling apart in places, it's full of clutter and really old green carpet. There is always fresh vegetables from some garden (in the summer of course) and a big hole in their basement wall that you crawl through and find a huge dirt pit full of old toys from 20 years ago, you of course need to dig to find these lost treasures of old happy meal novelty's. There in the basement is a wall full of home canned food consisting of peaches, apricots, beans ect. They have an old dog named Toby who barks at me every time I come in even though I have been there a million times and walk him regularly, his breath is horrible but I love him because they do so much, mangy old dog. Her Parents are always out at friends houses or her uncle's who lives across the street and has the biggest tree, best raspberries, and the best plums with a lock of hair from his son who past away years ago buried at its roots I'm convinced that is why the plums are so good....mmmm love.
They have the craziest stories from the I think at least 30+ years of living in the same spot, they are friends with all the people who live around them and they all share the love, gardens, pain, financial burdens, heartache, new babies, new grandchildren, happy times, death and broken hearts (thanks momma Carr) I feel so warm and welcome there, the spirit is so strong with that family and I can only hope to have a wonderful family like that someday. I feel like they kind of teach me how to have a strong family since mine seems to be in crumbles like the dirt pit with hidden truths and lies. I want so much to be happy with whatever decision I make in life, times are hard and I know what it is like to tighten belts (figuratively speaking) I am seeing an increase of people losing jobs and times get so tough and I am thankful I don't have a houseful of kids to worry about as well. I still want a houseful of kids! maybe after the recession haha. I think we need to be more involved with our community there are quality people out there like the Carr family we can all get to know and love!


  1. i know what you mean... i feel bad because even here in this small town, i don't feel a big sense of community. i really should get out and meet people. but it seems everyone just keeps to themselves and has their "cliques" in town. and we are kind of outsiders because we are the youngest people in town... i feel the old people are like "those darned whippersnappers!" i remember once we had the stereo on really loud, listening to "Bush" and i was like "crap, now the old people are really gonna hate us cause we're listening to rebellious, loud, rock music..." but we had this town yard sale last spring. i went to that to help out and it was so fun! i truly felt the community then. but i realized how many people i didn't know. but everyone seems to know who we are... i guess cause we're the "new kids" in town. but out of that yard sale, i got a homeade jar of applesauce and some zucchini, which was the best thank you i could ask for. at least you have someone's house to go to where you feel that community. i love how you describe them! and the pile of toys!

  2. oops, i forgot to comment "bedgasm." holy cow, i know that feeling! sometimes crawling into your own comfy bed is the most satisfying feeling in the world!

  3. I am going to go to my bed now. I will be having a bedgasm. "found" you through Malaina's blog. You write way cute!


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