Monday, February 17, 2014

Our New Space

Well we've finally started to settle in a bit. The move was quick and a bit stressful but with much prayer, and a lot little complaining we made it.

Now I know we just moved upstairs but we had a very small window to do it in. We had a nights help from family and ward friends which was awesome. But we still had a lot of work to do and I ended up missing an entire week of school because Andrew had to work all those days as well.

Anyway most of my setting up is done. Andrew got the extra bedroom for an office area (we originally shared that space) and I'm kind of in a corner, which is okay because I'm pretty comfortable there. I like cozy corners.

Our Bedroom, I painted the walls what I thought was a light grey blue color. It's a little too baby blue but too late now! Besides it's a really relaxing color.


 views of living room and dining area

I love the hardwood

I'm still trying to place everything. So stuff is shoved in corners, and we need a special tool to finish painting the top trim of the walls but it's coming together.

View from my computer, I really like this view


I've left it up to Andrew to put together his office.....I may have to intervene soon.

We are happy, well mostly me. I love this little house.


  1. I want to live here! it's so cute! and also, it's the kind of lighting i'm dreaming of in a house!

  2. Awesome new space Laura! I am so happy for you. I miss you.


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