Saturday, January 25, 2014


Next weekend we are moving. I know! Crazy huh! The wonderful people who own this house have gotten a chance to move to St. George for a better life. They live upstairs and we live down in the basement. Though when I say "basement" it doesn't feel like one at all! We have south facing window that in the Winter time, let in the most glorious warm sunlight, and in the summer they're tilted just enough to shield the living space from the sun. It's a win win in my opinion.

We were offered to live up stairs which is bigger and has even more of this wonderful light. We will be the land lords/property managers of this home, so sameish rent and more space. It's a much needed change and we need the extra space because....drumroll.......we are finally getting Andrew's books from his dad's attic! yay.....

Okay I'm trolling you but that was a big worry of mine, I didn't want to keep Andrew from having all of his stuff but we really don't have the room down here. But up there we will have the garage and much more space. Even a dining room!! Andrew can get as many books as he wants.

I know the spaces in this tiny apartment, this was our first home together and I know "technically" we are living in the same home it will be much different. I love this house. I'm happy to be staying in it for another couple of years, and discovering how the light moves on the top side.

Our little kitchen bursting with ingredients and pizzazz, the new kitchen is almost twice this size.

Our place for comfort

Maybe upstairs we can both fit in the bathroom comfortably, and there is a BATHTUB!!

We might not have to share office space!

Andrew is teasing me and my silly emotional goodbyes.

The way the light filters through the windows is magical in this apartment.

These stairs I will miss most. The way the sun lights it up at sundown, the swoosh of a tail or a pleading cry to come in. Though I won't miss the bloody mess of rodents and birds Nox leaves behind.

I love these stairs.


  1. your house is so perfectly you. also, i do like that cat shadow pictures.


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