Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Yeah, we changed her name, but to be honest NYX just didn't roll of the tongue as easy as NOX.

Sometimes I shy away from posting things about the cats ( I know, I ALWAYS post things about the cats) but they're really fascinating to me. The way they think and look, when I'm not staring at Andrew I tend to watch the cats and try to figure them out.

Nox is no exception, we recently got her spayed/shots last week and she's healing nicely. But she is still slightly feral from her dumpster days and shy away from us most days. Andrew is slowly getting her to come around and join us for snuggle-fest and trying treats ect. She still prefers to be with Emerson or Olive, which is okay but you know we want her to be with us.

In these pictures she had just gotten home from surgery and decided to curl up next to this light bulb which in my opinion was completely adorbs. She is our own "grumpy cat" if you don't know what that is look it up! She's always got this grumpy face on.


  1. I want a kitty.

    Kirsten said we can get one once we move back to the US. I'm pretty excited for that.


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