Friday, July 9, 2010

catching up...

My birthday was amazing and I am thankful that weekend was so lovely, I needed it. I was nervous about turning 29 and thought that I would surely wake up to more wrinkles, but people are still guessing my age on average to be 24, I am so OK with that. Even though I am still trying to find out who I am deep in the nooks and crannies of my soul I feel like I have a pretty good grip on that for the time being. I think it's like working the smaller muscles around the big ones to make one whole, stronger core. There are bits of the gospel I tend to forget and need to work on. Right now it's prayer, I really want a better connection and I have been thinking of developing my spiritual gifts more even though they tend to be rather intense and kind of scary at times, and I would be content just ignoring them all together. But I wont.

I was thinking today that my family didn't call me on my birthday or send a card, typical. I am happy that the Lord gave me such wonderful friends to fill that void.

My sweet Andrew bought me a cute camera for my birthday, and I have been using  kodachrome film from the 80's that Mom and Pop Carr found at Grandma's house. The only problem is I have to send the film to Kansas city to get developed. That's OK, hopefully it will be worth it!    Isn't it cute?

I have ended up accepting a ton of shifts at my job that I "quit" But i figured I am going to have to buy books at some point, as well as more camera's! People have done worse to support their habits, I figured this is most healthy.

I am still waiting on FAFSA, hopefully I will get some help this year since I have decided to go full time and work as well. I am pretty sure I can handle it, I need to check my schedule to see if I can squeeze in a photo class, mostly so I can save money and develop my own film and print my own pictures... I used to do it all the time and I remember how to do it all but I think I need to be enrolled in a class in order to use the lab. In dreams I often of have my own dark room.

I have decided I get along better with female intellectuals, I can have hours of conversations with those women.

Last night I had a frightening dream that one of my clients had dropped a hair dryer into the tub and electrocuted herself, I screamed for my mom but nothing came out. It was creepy.

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