Saturday, March 6, 2010


I love to paint, when I have something in mind and I need to put it down on canvas it's a release. A release of ideas and old emotions like taking a long bath after digging in the dirt all day, only you get a pretty painting instead of a tub full of mud.

Anatomy of a painting:

Starts with white canvas, I started to gesso it black before taking a picture


After the gesso was dry (which has a similar consistency of acrylic) I was able to kind of paint what I was thinking.
I was in my "zone" so I didn't take pictures as I painted. 
But I did when I was done! 
I will stare at it for a few days and fix things I don't like and add to it here and there. I liked painting with just black and white. It was a challenge! 

I made a background for my wheat painting


Finished! Blue sky is the easiest background to achieve
I will fill up the white with wheat (or try to) when the gooey blue is dry

All this snow happend yesterday morning, it's gone already! 



  1. sheesh babe... so jealous of all your lovely talent! i LOVE the black and white! awesome... and i agree, wheat is beautiful. i can't wait to see what it looks like when it's done. it reminds me of all my favorite scenes in "The Gladiator"... when he's walking through the wheat and it's very symbolic and the beautiful soundtrack is playing in the background... then when he dies, he's walking through the wheat fields. *sigh*

  2. I am in awe of your talent Laur. I wish I had an artistic mind!

  3. Yeah, that painting turned out great! *takes out pom poms* GoooOooOooO LaLO!


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