Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My cup floweth over!

Things are really going well! I was just catching up with Amy today about whats going on and I realized I think I may be busy!

A friend from my stand up days called me and invited me to do some comedy with her in a couple of weeks. We started talking and reminiscing  about our glory days before Humor U, we had been doing comedy over the 2006 summer on lawns with boom boxes, karaoke mics, and white Christmas lights. There were 3 of us Andrea, Tanner and I. We were awesome! Friends and friends of friends would show up for our monthly shows and cheer us on, all of us trading the headlining spot. By the end of the summer Tanner convinced us to start a club on BYU campus and we came up with the name Humor U. Because I was not a BYU student I could not be part of the presidency when we started in the fall of 2006. But I was still considered a founder and was mentioned in the Universe (BYU newspaper) you can see the origional blurb here. After a few months I quit because I didn't like to be "rated" and I wasn't having fun anymore, oh and Tanner was being a psycho jerk but that was only a small portion. *I love Tanner as any other human being* having the show at the Maeser building was my idea TANNER!

Anyhoo, life went on and I still did stand up once in a while and even got paid once to do it. I haven't done it in a while and even though stand up is incredibly hard and a bit stressful * take a pill and pray*  I think I may be addicted to the attention. The very idea of it is thrilling, making people laugh can be so hard and so fun at the same time. I thought she said we were going to preform for a group of youth's but to my dismay it's actually a group of older singles! A very large group! But that's OK now I don't have to sensor myself as much...I will announce times and dates when I get them. here are a couple of really old photos of me doin' my thang...I was headlining at some club post Humor U

I have made a goal to get my etsy page up and running by the end of this month. I have bought some more vintage material and have incorporated sewing time into my days. Just when I thought I had it all figured out I find a new way to take up time. The best part is I get to use the vintage sewing machine at work and it's really fast and huge.

Garden garden garden...I can't wait!


  1. I LOVE that you and Andrea are going to be doing stand up again!! I will be there without a doubt!! And I'll bring people. Will you promise to do the seven peaks story? I know I've heard it a million times but it seriously gets funner every.single.time. Love it! Love you!

  2. UGH...Yes I will be doing that bit, Andrea really wants to hear it again as well! I love you too sweets!

  3. sorry, i can't help notice how cute your outfit and shoes are... very fine.


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