Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My contribution to pi(e)

Scott had a pie (PI) party on Sunday 3.14 I had made a practice pie earlier with sweetened condensed milk and a graham cracker crust. But it was too easy so I opted for the vegan "much more complicated" version which gave me the satisfaction I was craving in addition to great pie.

My contribution to pi


Pistachio crust
1 1/2 Cups Pistachios, ground
2 Tbs Agave Nectar
1 Tbs Water
1/4 tsp Salt

Coconut Avocado Lime Filling
1 can Coconut Milk, cream only (chill can and scoop off cream)
1/4 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup Lime Juice
1 Ripe Avocado, pitted and shelled

Whipped topping:

1 Can Coconut Milk, cream only (chill can and scoop off cream)
1/4 Cup Powdered Sugar

Crust: Shell a crap-load of raw pistachios
 Blend agave and smooth with wet hands in a pie tin. You should bake the crust for
15 mins on 250 or until brown on edges

coconut milk fat
Lime! You blend it all in a blender and pour into cooled crust.

Done, chill for a few hours covered to keep the pretty green color. 

Make sure to lick the bowl!!

At the party I had a blast doing fun PI things to check out the other fun pictures of the night head to Scott's blog

1 comment:

  1. yummy! i love how you did take pics while making the pie... some of the shots i don't even know how you managed! like the one where you're holding the avocado and cutting the center? where was the hand taking the picture? i absolutely can't wait to make and try this pie, so you have to PROMISE me we'll make it!


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