Saturday, March 20, 2010


Today I went with my singles ward to do some service for the Krishna temple in Spanish Fork, the color fest is next weekend and I am really looking forward to throwing colorful handfuls of corn starch at peoples faces. Go here for some pictures of last year taken by Skoticus, and here for my pictures before I learned how to use a camera.

Today's event was getting ready for Holi the spring festival where last year 2 thousand people showed up. We were put to work doing odd jobs such as cleaning and moving things. We worked steadily for 2.5 hours and got lots done. I was put to work finally aftter being distracted for a half hour taking pictures, I helped with signs, drove a huge cargo van to and fro delivering random barrels. I carried 75 lb boxes of colored powder to the shop, and attempted a few times to make the bonfire wood "look pretty". I love serving! It is such a high for me and I could tell it was for everyone else as well.

I feel like God really gifted me today with good company,food and friends. I am so happy I went!

The Bum pictures were funny because I was yelling at Bryan that all I could see was his butt so he made it more apparent and then this guy had to take it a step further...the gift of friends!

the next pictures were my personal gift, this peacock all of a sudden spread out his entire tail for me and then let me get close enough to get some amazing pictures of him....I was so thrilled and in true hippie fashion I profusely thanked the peacock...and quietly in my heart, Heavenly Father.

Afterward they fed us! It was AWESOME! Authentic Indian food is amazing and it was homemade, at first everyone wasn't going for it but I had no shame and got something! People followed suit slowly and we had a great meal!

I was really dirty and surprised these boys got this close! This is probably one of the worst pictures taken of me ever, and I took it.


  1. GAH, makes me so excited you're taking me to Krishna Temple again... Can't wait to take pics there with you! I like how you said "before I knew how to use a camera"... I do think your photography has blossomed since then! Love the peacock!

  2. oh, and we get to see my favorite little cows... I love them so!!!


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