I am sorry but I don't have any pictures to offer at this time for this blog, but while it is fresh in my mind I have to write it down for posterity sake and your entertainment.
On Saturday I had a pretty big stand up show which I have been talking about for a while. The gig was for a singles after party in SLC, a bunch of 30-40 somethings get together every month and have "date night" with people they don't know. 200 people will be separated into groups of 12 and sent to dinner. Part of my payment was to go on this date for free (there is a small fee) and mingle with hotter older guys. Well that was my expectation anyway, upon arriving at the restaurant Buca di Beppo which was amazing by the way, I met our dinner group. I was immediately out of place and hated life socially from then on. The food was amazing and I really enjoyed the decorations which included in our room, a legit shrine to Frank Sinatra, in another room I noticed a life sized wax bust of the pope in the middle of a table. The decor was incredibly gaudy and artistically eclectic, naturally I loved it and wanted to return, Rob! We are so going here!
Anyway, the conversation was rather blase' all about travel cause we were the "travel group" and the people were just trying to find their eternal companion. Not that there is anything wrong with that it just seemed so....so....boring.
After dinner, we headed over to the church for the after party and with the directions from hell we finally got there. I was excited that some friends were coming (they are our groupies, since the days before humor u) and the fact there were about 200 people there. I went exploring and in each room there was something going on, rock band or cards etc. But as I walked down the halls I literally felt as though I was a piece of meat on display, the girls would size me up and the guys would too, it was awful. I couldn't help but to think "Oh gosh, is this my future?" As we started the stand up, and each of us were being introduced and a random guy came and stood behind me and had his hand resting on the wall behind me and I could feel him touching my bra clasp? It was really bizarre and I didn't know how to tell him to knock it off. The first of our group went and she is a soft speaker so because everyone was talking and being rude they couldn't hear her very well. After about 7 minutes of this I was beginning to get really uncomfortable and wanted to gain control of the crowd again. Then it was my turn, I had made a goal to do an entire set without notes and I did it! I was up for 15 minutes and managed to remember my bits, I got a ton of laughs and was able to get the attention of the crowd again. Later my friend Beth told me that she laughed so hard she cried off her make-up, that is an excellent compliment. Andrea was next and she was up for about 5 minutes and the guy who was heading up the whole thing asked if she could end early because they wanted to have a dance! "are you kidding me?" I asked "she just got up there" then he says "well it's almost 12 and we wanted to have a little dancing" "uh dude not my fault you started us 1/2 hour late!". Needless to say I had to cut Andrea off so there could be a dance for people who have kids who are probably at dances themselves.
Andrea got the messege and cut it short and I was pretty disapointed with the outcome of our stand up show. We are going to have another one in a month or so at a club house and it will be just for friends and family, just like the old days.
oh, buca di beppo! I've eaten there! it is fantastic, and if there's a shrine to my love, Frank Sinatra, you must take me so I can take pictures... sorry this experience was so lame. But when you told me the story over the phone, it was pretty darn hilarious... so it WAS good for something.