This is painted from a picture my friend Scott took while he was in FL, you can see the original picture
He is a talented Photographer so if you are looking to get pictures for weddings, engagements or whatever else, go here to see his work.
Trixie got into my paints last night and reeked havoc! I usually let her run around my room because she comes out when I call her, she is very smart. But I have to deal with the fact that she is a bit of a mischief maker! When I saw she was covered in blue paint I panicked, laughed, then panicked again. Afterward I had to give her a bath which she absolutely hates! I had just cleaned out my brush pail and the paint coagulates at the bottom into a colorful slurry. So I just dumped that out in the trash but Trixie has a nasty habit of getting into the bathroom trash to gather tissue for her little hoards of stolen chocolate and gum. She just happened to topple into the slurry. She seems fine today!
Bath time!
Match maker, match maker, make me a match!
I've lost 5 lbs! Yay me! In preparation for Mexico I need to drop some poundage because I refuse to be the chubby girl on the sidelines "No no! you guys go ahead! Imma just gonna hang here!" I have to be physically fit! So I have been working extra hard and feeling it as well. I have some serious definition in my arms that I'm pretty stoked about.
I just bought some new hip hop music! However I was listening to a particular song that is gracing the airwaves every hour or so and I realized ...this song is about sex! The dirty kind! There I am bobbin my head singing along when the light goes on....wait a sec? Did she? Yep.. yep she did! There goes another 1.30!!
There is a student at my work who is severely autistic, yesterday I was watching him while his staff went to the restroom and he had a couple of tongue depressors taped together and it kind of looked like a boomerang, but as I watched him he kept sneaking up on other students and yelling "SWEENEY TODD!" and then fake slicing their throats; it was hilarious.
Today another student came up to my co-worker with a cup of pee and anxiously offered it to him, also hilarious. It was most entertaining watching my co-worker keep his cool with a cup of pee in his face, I tried not to laugh loudly I certainly wouldn't want to make that behavior acceptable.
Today I loved my job, we made valentines and sorted the fundraiser items and just hung out with the clients. On Monday I walked into work and my supervisor had been there all weekend organizing my craft cupboard with new supplies and it was amazing! I am so grateful for people who care!
Momma Carr is home, she is getting healthy and going to start Chemo in a month, it's not the kind where you lose your hair and barf all the time (so grateful) when she got home things settled more. She just adds a calm to the house. I love her!
And we have a ton of soup.
Life is good!
That clouds in the painting are beautiful. Awesome job. And thanks for the shout out.
ReplyDeleteSomehow I didn't know you had a rat. I have been thinking a lot about rats lately, and decided that since it is illegal to own a squirrel in most states, having a rat might be the next best thing. They are almost as awesome/adorable as the rodents with the bushy tails.
Laura, I hereby request a painting of a beach scene. Like the one you painted.
ReplyDeleteThanks. :)
Oh and while I'm not a fan of your furry friend's species or anything like unto it, she's pretty cute.
I wanted to call dibs on the beach painting. Looks like someone beat me to it. Maybe next time.
ReplyDeletelovely paintings! that picture of trixie after her bath is adorable!