Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The secret life of bees

Last week I was at lunch and I decided to eat at a nearby park close to my work where a very large purple tree with heavy bark existed, I had seen this tree a number of times and wanted to take a picture of it so I can get a good idea of colors to use in order to paint it. What I found was incredible! The whole tree had a strong sweet smell and was covered in Bees. I watched them, followed them with my camera and must have looked like a loony. Anyone who knows me knows that I take forever to get the right shot I always have, it is just worth it to take a bazillion pics even if you just get a few good ones. I must have taken at least 25 pics of these ladies craning my arms and neck just to see them, most of the time they were way to quick for me! I managed to figure out the flow of things after a while and took some really pretty pics. I loved being so close I could see the pollen that had accumulated on her legs, the thing I felt most while watching these guys was determination and team work, they completely ignored me the whole time all the while I was completely enthralled with their hard work. The tree has lost almost all of it's flowers and the bee's have gone else where but I am grateful for the experience! to see them more clearly just click on the pictures of course! NO BEES WERE HARMED DURING MY ADVENTURE


  1. awww, you hippy! no, i know how you feel, especially the getting the right shot part. at least you were alone with no one getting ansy about taking too long taking pics. it's in the little details that some of the best pics turn up! especially when you are taking pics of little things, like bees.... did i tell you, i'm also pondering the idea of becoming a bee keeper someday... it sounds very interesting. i think you would be interested, too.

  2. You should! I would love to be a bee keeper! It seems so serene...serene bean!


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