Sunday, May 10, 2009

adventures in gardening, compost and Andrew

I really just want to blog today. I don't feel like posting quotes or words of the day, sorry if you like those.

So I have been really busy, like really really busy. In addition to making bags for my stint as a vendor at the farmers market this coming season I have been painting A lot! trying new things and feeling like a true artist here are a few of my paintings.

I have also been working on a garden with my friends Andrew and Liann, I am hopelessly addicted to buying plants I usually pick up a few a week. Liann is pretty busy right now so Andrew and I have been working on it mostly and we literally sound like a married couple out in the garden bickering over what plants to plant and how to do it (Andrew is always right and it drives me crazy!). Our most recent planting session was on Thursday evening I had bought a bunch of cabbage and some lettuce I wanted to plant, so of course Andrew being the wonderful friend he is, obliged and helped me do it. I had brought over some compost from the pile here at the Carr's, mostly consisting of rotting fruit and other material I couldn't quite make out. So Andrew insisted that we use the older compost from a bag and I insisted we used the compost from the Carr's, Andrew of course obliged after much whining from my end. As we were digging up spots to put stuff, getting ready to plant, and planning where to put things I was shoveling out the compost with a little shovel on my hands and knees with my face in the compost, I had accused Andrew of tooting on a number of occasions, he then pointed out that my face was in the compost. I shoveled in more compost and noticed lots of Beatles and other creepy crawly things which caused a few yelps here and there but when I found a centipede I made Andrew shovel in the compost....Andrew of course obliged. He took too long tho after a while and I decided to take over the shoveling now that I have gotten used to the centipedes, while I was planting the celery I had taken a big dip in the compost and saw the biggest nastiest spider ever! she was a translucent grey color and had little hairs all over and a crap load of eyes I jumped and made some kind of noise indicating I was frightened and Andrew looked over and said "kill her" in like a everyday nonchalant tone like "no thanks", I was going to when I noticed she wasn't moving and she was clutching a bag of eggs and I just couldn't do it! The conversation when as follows ;
Andrew: "Just kill her!"
Laura: "I can't she's a momma!"
Andrew "first you were all scared now you're sentimental"
Laura: "you're not a woman you wouldn't understand!"
Andrew: "Thank goodness for that!"

I guess that could be my quote for the day. Okay so I planted about 30 heads of 2 different kinds of lettuce, I had to be cut off! The first row was about 20 and Andrew was looking but not really saying anything till it was time plant the next species and he came over with a hoe and was like "you can plant to here" indicating space for about ten plants he explained that you have to cut the plants otherwise they will seed and this will be annoying and a lot of unnecessary work. Then I started thinking how cute it was that he let me do as much as I did! I called him on it thanking him for letting me plant what I wanted knowing he would have to pay the consequences of my actions. He is truly a sweet friend and I am lucky to have him, and I encourage anyone to be his friend because he has character, he is loyal, and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. All you need is a few good friends.
We finished up weeding and watering after about 2 hours I am always sore afterwards. On Saturday we went to the Farmer's Market I am starting in June so I still have a few weeks but they were selling these way cool plants called step-ables they are of the mint family and you create a little path with them!! Andrew encouraged me not to buy any more plants but I bought two of them and they are currently sitting in his kitchen ha ha.

We are planting the rest of the garden next Saturday, Liann called me yesterday to get a recipe and I made sure she could come and help so maybe with another person there it won't be so bad for poor Andrew, I really do put him through hell.


  1. Most excellent! I wish I could be there for all of the gardening fun! Take care of my garden! :) (and my brother!)

    Also...I asked Little Brother for pictures of the garden, but he says he doesn't have any and that he doesn't have a camera. So Lalo, I'm leaving the job to you, let's have some pictures of the garden up on here!

  2. oooh, i LOVE your paintings, especially the bottom one... the colors are so vibrant! yes, you gotta love compost... i've gagged on a number of occasions while stirring and watering mine. but this will be the first year we've used our homeade stuff. not much came out of that batch, but every little bit counts! and, if i were you, i totally would have stopped right then and there if i saw a centipede... you hate spiders, i HATE centipedes! i swear the ones in hawaii were like a foot long, monsters! but good on you for not killing that spider... good karma will come of that. j/k ooh, and you got some of that carpet mint... there's a wonderful article about that stuff in my latest issue of "country" magazine... it's SOOOO pretty! kudos to Andrew for putting up with your gardening addiction...*chuckle*


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