Tuesday, April 14, 2009

in arizona

so this is gonna be a short blog without all the hum drum of photos and random quotes. I am sitting in my hometown of Kingman and it is really really windy. I cannot keep my hair in one place! but I have to just say I bought a wonderful perfect dress for a dollar at a thrift store. It is 50's style black with polka dots perfectly modest and fits me like my own skin. I will never feel fat in this dress, I will always feel cute, and I have a sneaking feeling that it will boost confidences as well. Also I found another vintage dress but it is a few sizes too small, but it was only a dollar and you can find the same thing at coal umbrella for 20 so why not right? I can dream. OOOH and I found some funky material and cool scarves for my handbags that I plan on making as one of the items to be sold at the farmers market this summer. I got the application to sell at the farmers market it's 17$ for each Saturday or you can pay a base fee of like 150$ for the season which is June~October, I haven't decided yet but 2 Saturdays a month seems good to me, that way I have time to make stuff and not get all stressed if I can't come up with enough stuff la la la.

OK so funny...Amy had to leave to pick up her daughter just now and I offered to stay here with Alena (other kid) and she was like "OK but the yard guy is here and he will be done soon can you give him this check?" I of course obliged and she says "he is really good looking" so I thought hmmm I better put on my new dress....and fix my hair....and ooohh red lipstick! I love flirting with the help!

I will post pics when I get back to Utah there is a cool one of me and Elvis I almost got one with me and a chip n dales guy but "they're copyrighted" besides those guys are all gross anyway I talked to one yesterday in Vegas and I didn't look at his body only his eyes I hope I changed his life, I gave him a book of Mormon and was like "seek the light!"

Just kidding.


1 comment:

  1. oooh, you lucky finding fabulous vintage dresses! i want to see the polka dot one! and where are you finding these dresses for $1? in kingman or provo? Savers? i must make a Savers run soon to find some pants.


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