Saturday, April 4, 2009


Word of the Day: Boxset Bully

Person who pushes you to watch huge quantities of their favorite TV show by offering to lend you the massive DVD boxset.

Applies to: Lost, The Wire, Band of Brothers, Battlestar Galactica, West Wing, Heroes , Dexter, Fa
mily Guy etc

No, I've not seen The Wire. I'm sure the script is superb, but I'm not willing to spend a week watching all 60 episodes, you boxset bully.

Quote of the Day:

Laura: I have a stomach ache.
Summer: Maybe some how some where a dog that you used to own is being beaten.

Quote of last night

*after giving a dollar to a homeless man on university on a very cold night*

Summer: have a nice night! .....Well that sounded STUPID!

Listening to : MY GIRL by the TEMPTATIONS

I MADE CHEESE! yup folks It finally worked. I had tried a couple of weeks ago and it didn't fly I couldn't talk about it for 2 days I was so disappointed! On Monday night I managed to make not only ricotta cheese but mozzarella as well! It starts with a gallon of local milk or any pasteurized whole milk you pick up just make sure it's not ultra pasteurized. For ricotta all you need to add is citric acid and cook up to 195 degrees and then let curdle for 10 Min's, then you spoon it out and let it drain for a half hour in cheese cloth *simple*

Mozzarella not so easy you start with whole milk and cook to 90 degrees and then you add citric acid and vegetable rennet and let stand for about 10 Min's after it curdles put it back on the stove and cook it up to 110 degrees stirring the curdles like so...mmmmm curds n whey

anyhow after you cook these tasty curds you gotta ladle them into a colander and strain off the whey, after that you place the curds in a "hot water bath" now I'm sure you're thinking oh how nice well its not! soooo hot! the water has to be at least 180 in order for the cheese to be hot enough to stretch and I was tearing up because it was burning my hands but I was super happy! you are looking at a very pleased with herself Lalo! Mostly because I finally got it to stretch! like taffy. I plan on getting really good at making cheese and selling it at the farmers market this summer along with my bread and any other tasty treats, the Carr's have a machine that can make your own soy milk and I got uber excited about that! The people who head up the farmers market in town live next door to me so I am excited to be a part of the community for reels!

Last night Summer and I went to the Gallery walk and I love it! All sorts of artsy fartsy people come out and show off some really awesome art! I have a lot of friends that I run into on a regular basis and it's nice to keep in touch with people on an artistic level I find that there are so many types of personalities and styles it really is fun just to mingle. Here are some pics I took at the Penny royal cafe....

and a place called the Coal Umbrella boutique

Travis the Dreamboat he is a dishy bloke! he was a sweetie, and on the UVU rugby team...just sayin. and he so gave me a hug! initiated it and everything.
being bored at muse.
MI Amiga! Lora and I
I love my new camera!! I didn't want a digital because I am loyal to film but this instant gratification thing is addicting!! I like the orange look to things I didn't mess with the pics its just the way places were lit. so LOTS of orange type pics.


  1. I think you are such a stud! It's awesome that you make cheese- I'd love to watch you some time. Do you know how to make soap? I think it would be fun to could sell at at the farmers market too!

  2. i was thinking about your cheese making the other day, wondered how it went since i didn't hear anything about it till now. but i'm so very happy it's working out for you! maybe someday i'll be up to your level of expertise... i love your coat in the last pic! very coo... you have to teach me how to post pics where you want to post them on the blog... i havn't figured it out yet.

  3. So here we are....leaving a message on your blog... :) You definitely need to come up to our place in SLC and make our kitchen ring true with the sound of domestic tranquility! :) would be awesome to hang!

  4. i was looking back over your blogs and noticed you are wearing the apron i got you for christmas! it looks cute! yay for aprons! scott and i have been contemplating buying some more land close by just to put animals on... i really want my own cow before i attempt making cheese, also because i want the other parts of the milk that go with it and so i can make butter, cream, and whatever else...


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