Word of the day:
when you're in the kitchen going around in circles because you can't remember what you were doing there.
Quote of the Day;
Heather: You duck fart!
Laura: Eww I wonder what that would smell like?
Summer: *singing* Wonder bread!!
Currently listening to: Jesu, joy of man's desiring ~Jenny Oaks Baker
So living with a family is totally different than living on your own. I know DUH! but I moved in here with the knowledge that it was going to be different. My upbringing was completely different than most, my parents are "far out" very liberal democrats who have the attitude anything goes! That is fine and great, but I prefer something a little more structured in day to day family life and that is what I plan to have with my own family... someday providing I find a help meet. The kitchen table here is unique, it's small, can fit four adults and a tiny spunky grandma, it is the source of many conversations ranging from the current events to what is good for the prostate...yup we talked about that too, not with grandma present though. The Carr family is a tight knit clan with many stories of missions in New Zealand (2) and 7 kids and their families, the meals are amazing! Tonight it's salmon and broccoli, last night was a really yummy soup. I am realizing the dynamics of a kitchen table and the meals that are served with patience and care, the Carr family does not have a microwave. At dinner Russell was suspiciously doing something at the base of the basement stairs we kept bugging him trying to figure out what he was doing...well he was blowing up a whoopee cushion and planted it on Lynne's chair as she sat down for dinner, we all laughed pretty hard mostly me.
It has been quite the adjustment I have had to give up some of my independence of course. Russell (summer's dad) and I talked about the garden and he is more than willing to help me learn I am so excited we are going to start planting at the end of this month.
I may have convinced Lynne to let me can some tomatoes too, she was apprehensive at first but I think I can sway her. I love my new living situation! living with summer is fun too she has a lot of weird quirks I'm getting used to it still feels like I'm just visiting like always but going home is just the next room over and a lot easier than driving
yay! i like your pictures! let me know if you need/want any infor regarding canning tomatoes... scott and i have our process down to an art (though it's like you have to re-learn it every year). home grown canned is the best!
ReplyDeleteDearest Laura,
ReplyDeleteI never minded listening to you tell your stories. Really.
I love your guts!