Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I think I have anxiety issues!!

WORD OF THE DAY~NONVERSATION: A completely worthless conversation, wherein nothing is illuminated, explained or otherwise elaborated on typically occurs at parties.


Laura~ we should just witch's brew her car! *meaning taking all of condiments in fridge and making a nasty concoction to dump on a car of said person*

Tandi~ It's only a misdemeanor if you get caught!

Laura~ How do you know this stuff?

Listening to Love you more By Armin Van Burren

SO lately I have been getting all worked up over things I cannot change or get over. Like the fact that I simply cannot be perfect all the time. I am going to make mistakes and hurt people accidentally, it is a waste of time to worry SO MUCH about others when I have a life of my own. Everyday we interact with people on an emotional, physical, spiritual level I LIVE FOR THESE INTERACTIONS! I love people I cannot get enough vignettes in daily life, just driving home from work I will see little scenes from the daily life of people and it is all so beautiful! A father throwing his laughing daughter in the air, brothers fighting over a ball, A family going to the temple to do baptisms, a bird drinking out of a small patch of melted snow on our roof. I am one of those people who just love everyone but sometimes I love too much and it can get confused with romantic love (regarding boys of course) I am not saying that they are the ones who confuse I do as well, so then I start thinking of stuff and I get all worried that I am being to clingy or not making my intentions clear. ahhhhhhh! I'm doing it now OK so what I am saying is..... I'm a cuddle slut! I love to cuddle and snuggle! and I am worried I'm being to clingy. to most of you this is going to be funny but being a cuddle slut is a serious offense in my world because I don't usually have a cuddle buddy, is this bad? OK so it is funny now that I see it in black and white.

OK so last week I was volunteering at the soup kitchen (FCC) and there is a guy who works there and I think he might be a little sweet on me! his name is Carlos he is from Colombia and is very sweet *he is a bit shorter than me which I have issues with but oh well* anyway everyone makes fun of us for flirting all the time (even tho I don't think we are I'm just being nice) during work he kept asking me if I wanted to go for a ride on his motorcycle after work he could just take me home or something (I usually walk there) I kept saying no because I'm so not the kind of girl you put on the back of a motorcycle! after work we stood outside and took a gander at this fine vehicle and he looked REALLY good in his helmet....lets just say as I watched him ride off into the sunset I regretted not being on the back of his bike! but I will try to be sly and get him to offer me again and maybe I can feel like a girl who can ride on the back of motorcycles....with hot foreign guys. I will get a pic of this I promise!


  1. That's hot! I love foreign guys with motorcycles...yummm... :-)

  2. Totally hop on the motorcycle next time! But who am I to give advice? I probably would have done the same thing. By the way, I liked the term "cuddle slut" - funny.


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