Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Word of the Day
Someone who is both friend and enemy, a relationship that is both mutually beneficial or dependent while being competitive, fraught with risk and mistrust.

Listening too
one love~Bob Marley

Quote of the day: "Take that you cookie cutter trophy wives! Go home and eat your Prozac!"~Laura Fox

So I have been thinking about a fantasy trip to travel from Texas to Louisiana and try the different BBQ places that litter the south. They all claim to be the best in the nation but I would really like to see and taste for myself. Apparently BBQ is completely different from "Grilling" I find that I am more partial to grilling it is lighter and easier to do. One of my favorite recipes is grilled peaches, you take a peach cut it in half take out the seed and place it on a hot grill, sear it till the peach has sweet lines then remove put a dollop of cream cheese and drizzle with honey, top with an almond, soooo good om nom nom.

I have decided to try new things I have always wanted to sew my own skirts and bags, Summer said her Grandma might have a sewing machine I can have which made my day. I have a painting in mind that I am really excited to start if I can find the time, it's a nude though not entirely, just the backside of a Tahitian girl bathing in a river, the lines of her body are simple enough that I can sketch them before I apply paint. If anyone is interested in it after I finish it and when I get sick of looking at it I will give it to you. I am going to have a small herb garden (I figured I would start small) I have always wanted to grow things but never really had the space to do so. there is something so charming about herbs hanging upside down in your kitchen drying out not to mention they smell delicious! So I will try those new things and Vamp up my skills "purrr"

1 comment:

  1. Oh, fur sure on doing the BBQ tour... That would be AWESOME! Yeah, I've heard there is a difference between grilling and barbequing, but whatever. Both are good. There is this recipe I'm definately going to try over the summer... Key West Ribs. We've had these ribs in the freezer for awhile (we've never gotten ribs, but there was a sale. but i'm scared to use them because it's "special" and want to savor having them). Anyway, you put the ribs in a crock pot and, instead of bbq, you pour lime and orange juice over them with some spices and slow cook them... i love citrus flavors in the summer! and you simply MUST make these peaches for me someday! they sound absolutely delicious! and you must post a pic of your painting (or at least send me a pic) because that sounds very artsy. i would put my dibs in on it, but scott probably would want a nude hanging up... he's not artsy like that. i'm also going to try some herbs this year. scott's aunt had wild mint in her yard and i've really wanted to grow some myself. as well as many other herbs.


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