Friday, March 7, 2014

Spring Break Here I Come

SO. I've been really busy.

This week I turned in my BFA portfolio which was a super stressor because it has to be perfect, and I was accepted into the Student Art Show at the Woodbury Museum of Art this week as well. So lots of printing (over 100 bucks worth!) and figuring out how to frame art better than my last art show. Through midterms, building papers, printing mishaps, stressful home life and other factors the universe has sent my way, I have to say...I've never been happier! I've laughed harder this week than I have in a while. It's amazing how when life is handing you problems and stress, there is this balance of love and laughter. Oh and we are poor. Really poor and I hope to get a job soon.

I'll know in a couple of weeks if I make it into the Photo program or not, and I'm nervous. It's not because I don't believe in myself or think my work is good enough. I just think I should be prepared just in case I'm not ready to advance. Other BFA students are so spectacular and talented I literally get anxious and scared of them, even though they are obviously trying to be my friend or give me valid advice.

Tomorrow I leave for Yuma AZ to visit Amy for a while so I'll have some pictures to post soon. Andrew isn't coming with because he's working, as soon as we can though I think we need a weekend away! We both have different things going on and I think we need some time to understand each other. Marriage is a lot harder some days, I never would have thought that it would be so difficult to love another person. It's not that I don't love Andrew, but it's the everyday expectancy of unconditional love that gets us both. We both tend to feel the other isn't appreciative enough and feelings are hurt, words fly and we're back at square one. We have a wonderful love for each other, but we both are selfish at times and we are still learning to balance ourselves with everything else in life. But if we didn't have adversity we wouldn't appreciate joy. So I'm trying to appreciate the trials too!

So ANYWAY, this is the piece that was accepted into the Student Art Show, it's called River Run Dry, just 2 photos juxtaposed and various shopped techniques. I love it, it's probably my favorite fine art to date, and there is a lot of meaning behind it for me.

And here are a few shots from my portfolio


  1. You're such an amazing photographer, Laura! I'm sure things will work out and you'll get to where you need to. Hope you enjoy your me time. Sometimes you just need it to put things back into perspective. Also, please, please, PLEASE let me know when the art show is at the Woodbury. I'd love to come by and see what you've been working on. Love you.

  2. All I could say when I saw the River Run Dry image was WOW! Its very moving. Full of meaning. Is the river every really dry?


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