Saturday, August 3, 2013

Woodhead Gardens

Holy cow. Woodhead Gardens by Logan Lyon is a tour worth going on. Not to mention a charming and functional way of feeding ones family. I took a tour of these gardens for a story I'm writing for the next issue of the Review about urban gardeners in Utah. I had no idea what was in store, and I loved every minute of it. Every available space was used to grow, EVEN THE ROOF. He's kinda crazy, but you'd have to be to try and make this work.
A white haired toddler wanders with a half eaten tomato in hand, a duck follows along with the tour, as well as a white rabbit that didn't mind being pet, I felt like Beatrice Potter!
There is a large and clean chicken coop where two of his barefooted children grab fresh eggs from the nest, the whole thing was a dreamy trip!  Ponds with fish used to water the gardens, an eccentric man with kind blue eyes and a beautiful wife. Fueled by passion, and knowledge this was by far the best tour I've been on in a while. When I think back to the tour it feels like a warm green whirlwind, and it makes me smile.


  1. so cool that you went! i just recently went on this tour with my friend. It was amazing - that guy is very inventive with how he put together EVERYTHING! Coolest yard ever and garden ever - super jealous! beautiful shots by the way.

  2. Yes! Love to go there to get my garden plants. Logan has mixed in with the traditional organic plants some fun different organic plants for sale every year. Like the striped tomatoes, varigated zuccinni, etc. They are all grown by Heirloom seeds that are not genetically modified. I can't wait to try the chocolate cherry tomatoes next summer. I think that is what he called Logan said they are real sweet!


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