Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dishes Project

So lately I've been trying to figure out what exactly I need to do in order to stretch myself as an artist. Most photo walks or shoots I always think of other people and what they might find beautiful. I find the photos beautiful myself but they never really turn out the way I want or have meaning to me. The other morning I woke up with a thought, what if I took pictures of things I love and think are beautiful and not worry about what others might think. I love simple things, usually the imperfections and clutter of homes. I started thinking about dishes, my dishes, my brother in law, my husband's step mother, my best good friend, my parents etc. I thought about their dishes and the way they are, and how I've eaten on them and recognize them.

Have you ever been thrifting and found a plate that was EXACTLY like the ones you had as a kid? Or a glass, or even utensils. Talk about nostalgia! It brings back family meals, thanksgivings, christmas's or other usually warm memories.

We all have a spoon, plate, cup, bowl, that is our favorite. We reach for it first, we clean it first, we are comfortable with the feel of the swoop of the handle or the cradle of the bowl in our hands.

So I decided to start with our dishes. Andrew and I have collected an array of dishes, some match some don't. Some are stolen, some are disposable and some are kept close.

Our pantry. I have a horrible habit of never putting away things in their rightful spot. It's a quirk, it drives Andrew crazy.

Personally I think we need to have a garage sale!

We got this set below for our wedding from Summer, it's the first set we have and some have broken and chipped over the last two years being in a small sink with others just like it. But we glue them back together and call it a day.

I drink out of quart jars, they hold about 5 cups of water when you fill it to the rim.

This spoon is my favorited spoon, and it's kept close. I use it so much it never has to be polished (it's silver) This was a spoon from the Carr's. It reminds me of warm soup and love.

This serving spoon is stolen (on accident)  also the Carr's. I found it a few months ago in my car but Pappa Carr has moved and I don't know how to get it back to him. We use it all the time now.

I want to explore other's dishes as well, this will be an ongoing project for sure. I may even make it my BFA project, who knows!

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