Monday, March 17, 2014

Salton Sea

This place was weird and had a funky hippie vibe. I had heard about it in passing many years ago and I have a friend that is photo lusting after it. When I went to visit Amy in Yuma I realized it was literally in the same neighborhood (give or take a few hours) we didn't have long so we didn't do too much exploring, but what I did see makes me want to go back.

The Salton Sea stretches out over a length of 35 miles along a northwest/southeast axis and spans a width of 15 miles. On the eastern shore lies a little community called Bombay Beach. 

This place isn't pretty, it's weird and the people who live there are dry and slow. I saw many hover-round chairs used by people to get from point A to point B in this tiny town, that was only blocks. 

There were houses that had been abandoned and in the process of being reclaimed by the salt.

Saw this kid riding a chair, he and his friend were good tour guides. I'm glad we met them and became friends.

Fish bones. So many fish bones.

I thought this looked like tiny skulls

The people here tend to not care about their sea, or maybe conducting experiments to see how long a TV could last in the salt.

The ever elusive Amy

Old light on an old dock, like the bow of a ghost ship.

Bleached fish bones, crispy fish bones crunching under our feet. The sea used to be habitable years ago but because of drought and the over use of the the colorado it's evaporating and becoming too salty for these fish to live in. They die, and wash up on the shore, becoming the sand beneath our feet.
 White balance is off, I'm too lazy to fix it.

Salt and sand blasted art

What if you don't want palm trees? Burn them?

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