Sunday, March 2, 2014

Reaccuring dreams

I have this dream. It's not always exactly the same but it's always just as maddening.

To most of you this wont be that big of a deal but it's been on my mind lately.

I'm in the middle of a huge crowd, something is happening, something big. I have my camera out and there is beautiful big action, big news as it were. I take the shot, nothing happens. I keep pressing the button and nothing is happening. I'm not taking pictures and I panic! The action gets more violent and big, I keep trying...nothing. It's infuriating. The crowd moves away from me and I'm left standing alone with my broken camera.


  1. Crazy.. hate those type of dreams

  2. Crazy.. hate those type of dreams

  3. Hm. That's interesting. I wonder if it's more about the big news or more about the camera. Because you said things are getting violent - so is it more that you're afraid of the state of affairs in the country or more afraid of having a broken camera?

    I dunno. We can talk about it when you get here. I just want to comment, because I want you to blog more, and I know how the comments help encourage that. ;)

  4. < < < See, I'm pondering your dream now.


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