Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Shooting for Fun

You know what I shoot on a regular basis? Staged photo requests, swanky dinners, ribbon cuttings, sports, class assignments, answers instead of questions, other peoples families and future spouses....

All that is wonderful and I am very grateful for the things I'm learning.

But I need to shoot for fun! I miss the days where I would wonder around town and take pictures of flowers and portraits of the people I was with.

Melissa is my assistant at the paper and I've always admired her for her free spirit and absolute love of life. So I came up with an idea for us to go out to Utah lake late in the evening for some grainy uncontrolled fun. I didn't worry about technicalities and I embraced the question, why not?


  1. Holy gorgeousness!!!!! Not only is her dress and herself beautiful but I think this is one of my favorite shoots you've done!!!

  2. YOU'RE SO PERFECT, i'm in love with your photos. ahhhhhhhh. i want to scream it from atop a mountain!


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