Monday, March 21, 2011

Hollywood...What's YOUR Dream!

That line was taken from Pretty Woman, I couldn't help but think about that movie a few times.  Hollywood was the first place we headed to in California, we stayed only about an hour and that was plenty really. I've never been attracted to the idea of fame, I think ultimately that's why my stand up comedy never really went anywhere...because I didn't want it to. A month or so ago Rob, J'ness and I watched confessions of a superhero, a documentary about people who dress up as super heroes and stand outside the Chinese theater in Hollywood and get people to take pictures with them (for tips of course) Since then I've wanted to check it out! Hollywood has a really weird vibe, it's all glamour but the glamour is falling apart and there is a real ghostly feel to the whole place. Like an old campfire, or your dead grandmother's lingerie, it's really weird.

I loved it.

This guy was obviously "Jimi Hendrix" and he let me take as many pictures for free

The supers or characters... I had to sneak these, I had no cash!

Famous people, sort of.

For my dad.

Other people and things

He was just a child.

This woman would randomly do the tree pose while waiting for something, a taxi perhaps? Her big break?


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