Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Photo Project

I finally finished a disposable camera! It took forever, back in October? September? I had left a camera tied to a cross walk pole with a sign explaining a little bit about my project. I had like 6 exposures! SO SAD considering it was the monthly gallery stroll. I guess people thought I was a creeper or something. BUT I did get to finish it off semi-anonymously last weekend when my roommate's and I went to the PARLOR for bad poetry, good pizza, and spontaneous stand up (by me, which I completely failed at, I'M RUSTY!)  The first shots were from the gallery stroll then the parlor! 


  Possibly my Favorite.

These people were creative!

 Random, one of the kids found this back when I still lived with the Carrs, they must have taken a picture of us playing/snuggling.

The Parlor!

 Who are these HOTTIES?!

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