Saturday, January 29, 2011


I have been trying to get used to using my Pentax, I have successfully developed my first roll of BW film (since high school) and find it virtuously pleasurable. I am after all a very passionate woman and when it comes to good food and beautiful art, well I can't help myself from being ahem..vocal?  Anyway, I have been experimenting with different films until I can start developing my photographs onto paper myself (next week). I'm sure most of you will be receiving copies of my finest work for various occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, and random times of the year where I feel it necessary for you to have a piece of my art for your wall!  Here are some pictures I took over the last week with some colored film 400 speed (expired film of course)  using my Pentax.

This is a back end of a truck in early morning, seconds after the sun hit it. I loved the steam coming off the frost! In the future I will use better film to catch the details, I know that expired doesn't really get that for me.
Introducing Trixie to Emerson, that was fun.

Stairs at school, I loved the way the sun was making it look so warm. I was almost convulsing I was shivering so hard! It's freezing here right now.

I was getting my hair cut and liked this reflection off the foil. It only lasted a minute or two while the sun set.

Carl our shop teacher, he's seriously amazing. He didn't want to get his picture taken so he tried to cover his face with a broom handle!

This is Carl with is hands over a client's hands helping them work.

Frosty fences and playgrounds...

Fake rose petals were strewn all over the playground at the park next to my house.

So fun! I will get better at it too. Better film and better exposures when I learn how to judge my light a little better.

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