Friday, December 31, 2010

Activities with Amy

Amy and I got pretty bored one night and we did some light painting on one of the dark streets in downtown Kingman.  We had free fun, which is hard to come by these days.

This one is my favorite of Amy she looks like an ANGEL!

 Amy made this one for her husband Robert

 Amy has unimaginable powers!

 Light robot

 Light baby

 Bart Simpson
All of a sudden Amy's all  " PRETEND LIKE YOU'RE PUKING ECTOPLASM!" I love that woman.

There are at least 10 more of these, but you get the gist.


  1. Hehe. We rock.

    It is suddenly SO funny to me that we totally ignored that uber creepy house in the background and now I am seeing it and it changes the context of so many of these pictures. Haha.

  2. Too bad my stove pipe hat didn't come out on the robot...


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