Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I have never quilted before but I had fun! On Saturday our stake got together and tied about 40 quilts. It was fun and I got to see a lot of good friends.

Tad (the boy running away) didn't want to be in the picture because he hadn't done anything yet!? 

My dear Ashley...I have been stalking you on your blog for a year and never left comments
-Love Laura

 Sweet Heidi
Gabby and I 

I love these girls

Handsome Travis, he is so bashful! I purposely  will say overly flirty things just to get him to blush. Even in this pic he is blushing.

My favorite couple!

Seriously Scott, your'e ridiculously good looking. 

Even when you're giving me the stink eye.

Nate sings me songs on bad days.



  1. Keep stalking but you have to keep posting cool pictures. I just spent the last 25 minutes looking at your oodles of fun photos.

  2. i'm thinking of taking a quilting class or something of the sort this summer... i need to befriend my cool old sewing machine... scott loves sewing and it just intimidates me. i bought these vintage shirts off e-bay that i'm planning on creating a "me-size" shirt, so scott experimented on a test shirt so i didn't ruin my vintage one... it came out pretty good. i'll do my own test shirt soon and then hopefully will feel confident to sew my vintage ones. i want to be crafty like you!


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