Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Not so patient today


Oh life, you get all crazy then you get boring again. Classes get dull and stressful and the fun is definitely lacking. Then when the day is over all I seem to have is time. I should be utilizing this "time" for studying or practicing my hobbies, and I do DO those things but what I'm trying to say is I have TIME! Months until I go to Mexico and months until it gets warm, months until I get to go on the cruise, months before we will know if momma Carr will be OK, months until Andrew comes home, and we can garden again. Life can get so stagnant, like old pond water with little tadpoles in it halfway through July. It seems to me that life itself can loose it's shiny coat once in a while, that is exactly what is happening to me at this very moment. Sometimes I just stare off into space for the better part of an hour, thinking of what? OH uh, all the things I have listed above. It's like I can't focus on the good at the moment because there is going to be better in a few MONTHS! It's enough to drive this girl crazy, maybe I need to spice up my schedule a bit. It is always the same Mon- Thurs work/school/gym Friday is my free day, Saturday there is always something going on and Sunday is church day. The same darn thing every week for guess what? MONTHS! 

OK lets change attitude

The things I love:

Skiing all of a sudden
Biology (which isn't a big surprise I'm a science geek)
New music, thanks Rob and J'ness
My co-dependence *it's a great excuse for things*
Juicy work gossip :)
A really good workout
I lost another 3 pounds
The curve of my midsection right above the hip
The fact that I can laugh at my co-dependence
Talks with good friends 
Guilty pleasures such as Miley Cyrus's "Party in the USA" 
Plain vanilla yogurt 

OK I feel better. Really!  

1 comment:

  1. dude, i LOVE that miley cyrus song!she, too, is my guilty pleasure. i will also admit my friend and i actually learned and practiced the hoedown throwdown... fun!

    congrats on losing more poundage, though you are always beautiful as you are! you lost, and all of a sudden i gained pounds! i'm so perturbed... but i had an awesome workout today because it motivated me to get back with it, this gaining of pounds.. blah.

    i'm also in love with yams... they are heaven!


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