Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cross country skiing!

I had the chance to go cross country skiing last night and I took it! I figured I needed to try as many new things as possible while I can and have the freedom to do so. 

The night was a blast and even though i fell down a bunch, got covered in snow, twisted and stuck I ended up having a great experience!
 Snow shoes!! 

My sweet friend Derek, who helped me (and others) survive the night! 

The realization that I was wearing skis 
I couldn't resist stopping and taking pictures of pretty things 

The hill from hell, everyone kept falling and slipping it was cute! 

This hill doesn't look steep but down there in the dark it was really itimidating to a novice! I got so tangled up on this hill I had to take off my skis and stomp through 2 feet of snow, this is the point where I was not so happy.

Derek kept skiing off the top of hills into dark nothing, the kid was brave! 


There were ridiculously huge icicles everywhere 

Afterward we all headed to In and Out for a bite, it was super busy and I loved uniforms (ya, I know weird)

Now that I have posted these I realize how creepy random butts are.

Bryan and Aubry, during a wicked game of paper, rock, scissors. 

It was really good, though I may have just been really hungry. 


1 comment:

  1. oh, you went cross country skiing... i've never been, so yes we'll have to try! scott and i have wanted to go anyway, so if i like it, maybe i'll go to the winter equipment thrift store nearby and by me some skis! (is that how you spell skis? it doesn't look is such a weird word when you try to make it plural, past tense, etc.). you said it was cheap to ski? how much? cause i was gonna say, regular skiing is horrendously expensive!


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