On Tuesday night Andrew (bless his soul) sat on the phone with me for two hours and helped me with some philosophy homework I needed to get done, I sat in the same position for two hours hovered over my book reading aloud.
The next morning I get up and take a shower, business as usual, but while I am doing my hair a muscle cinches up in my shoulder blade making my whole head tilt to one side. So naturally I ignore it and go on with my day. I end up taking a ton of ibuprofen and asking random people to dig their knuckles in my shoulder blade, as well as finding door knobs and corners of hallways to dig into my shoulder. About 10 am my other shoulder cinches up and now my whole neck is what I like to call WONKY. I end up taking a couple of muscle relaxers last night during class because I couldn't function I was in so much pain.
This morning I had to call into work because I couldn't move at all. This is awful but I got to sleep until 10 am!
Finally while doing nothing (which is rare) I decided it isn't worth putting my life on hold and I call a chiropractor. My first impression of the guy was a car salesman, but the other offices were full for the day and this guy only charged 20 bucks. I thought it was rather cheap but I was desperate, the guy was pretty awesome! He did a quick assessment and set me up on a massage table thing and I was loosened up, he then popped everything from my neck down to my butt! I kept laughing because it just felt so weird getting all that popped! I had fun! I will be going back in a few weeks
I can't get the italics to shut off the system is being dumb I didn't even turn it on!~
Anyway I feel much better and I will be getting some homework done before I have school tonight.
I just thought I would be distracted a little bit and tell you all about it.
I was just thinking about the national geographic magazines they had in the waiting area. I was remembering when I was a child and I had huge stacks of them around my room and under my bed and I would spend hours looking at the pictures. Someday I would love to take pictures like those in the magazines, there was this one with a large lavender field at dusk with a million fireflies bobbing about. It was incredible, I may paint it. The colors were so vivid, I love photography because you can have a window into a world and make it look anyway you want, whimsical or dreamy, cold or warm. Photography is a quick fix for my artistic soul.
i also had to visit the chiropractor, but i do on a fairly regular basis. i know it's time to go back when my hips start aching when i sit and i wake up in the middle of the night because my back needs to be stretched out. my chiropractor, whom i love, did something new... she grabbed the skin on my lower back and pulled up on it to pop something back into place. it was just the weirdest feeling! and she popped my toes, which i hate. but scott and i went sledding afterwards and all was well!