Saturday, June 6, 2009

first day at farmer's market!!!

So the day started off early at 6:50 to be exact when I rolled out of bed and jumped into the shower, I decided to try and look cute for my debut. After I was all ready and yelling at summer to get ready quicker I headed out to the garden for some mint, oregano, and chives.

we arrived on time and got a tiny spot next to Liz, who made AMAZING mint lemonade and sold beet greens. She was super nice and we were fast friends!

We were across the way from Big Jake's mini doughnuts which were amazing too we must have eaten at least 3 dozen. We got to the farmer's market at 815 if you are late (past 830) you forfeit your spot so I was a bit anxious! We got all set and 900 rolled around we didn't sell much in the morning I think I got the mint mixed up because ya it all looked the same, one was labeled chocolate mint and the other spearmint...we don't have spearmint in our garden. They both looked the same anyhow, the chocolate mint sold quickly as did the oregano. I charged only .50 cents a bag, after a while I sold my first bag!

It was one of the first ones and it was sewn really bad! so I only charged a dollar. After that some friends stopped by

Cute and little Liann bought one of my faves, this one was special... The straps were all crooked!
The best though were these three little girls who LOVED my bags and all three of them picked one up! They were so excited their mom came over to tell me how happy they were haha
Then a girl named Jessica came and bought a bag AND a painting!! this girl was awesome! I am glad my painting went to her!
during the day I would take random pics of things mostly the kids because they we so darling! I of course asked parents first!
This kid was so funny! The story goes as follows, Andrew came to show support so we were standing around chatting and catching the fly away strands of cotton candy that would float to us from across the sidewalk and there was a particularly big strand that Andrew started well as this little boy Andrew being bigger and slightly stronger than this kid caught it first even though the kid was yelling "that ones mine!!!" so this adorable kid gets this mean look on his face and I beg his mother to let me take a pic! This is softer than initially but still kinda mean! I love it!

then there was Hayden she used to come to my ward a couple of years ago with her mom and we ran into her there and her momma let me take a few pics of her too so cute!!


So here are a few other pics I took without permission hence, no faces... but still cute!


  1. yay! I'm so excited to come by next week! OH and by the way, you've inspired me to make my own bag!

  2. Rock on, Lalo! I was eager to see how it went, and I knew I couldn't call you because you'd be at church right now, so I'm glad you posted a blog!

  3. I am so happy for you! This is awesome. The bags looks look awesome, and I am glad that the garden love is getting spread throughout Provo!

  4. I'll be there this Saturday!!!

  5. laura, my gosh... like i told you, i'm so jealous! you are a way better photographer than me now! maybe cause you know how to mess with the lighting, but you do have "the eye" for what makes a great picture!

    i LOVE all your bags! i get comments on mine! i don't think the $1 bag looks bad... i love the apple!


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