Monday, May 25, 2009

Such a woman!

Let's discuss women shall we? I have been thinking a lot lately of how gorgeous women are, thin, curvy, tall, short, curly hair, crazy hair etc. Almost automatically when these women look in the mirror they find an imperfection. "my hips are huge!" or "I'm so fat!" that is a popular one. Girls will starve themselves silly to become the ultimate ideal of what we think we should look like. I have always thought that it was society that put such an emphasis on this kind of thinking but I realize now that it is us, we as women put that into our heads think of it as a plate; we have the main course our minds with side dishes of influence, society or other women with insecurities who make comments to each other to make themselves feel better for even just a moment. We as women need to put aside the natural women and try to be more Christ-like we need to delve deep and find the love for each other and ourselves. I don't know if you all know this or not but if you love yourself first you can properly love others. Now I'm not saying love yourself and go and buy 200 dollars worth of new clothes by any means and don't confuse self-improvement with self-change anyone can get a haircut and a new pair of jeans and feel good for a week. Love yourself and tell yourself to give a compliment to someone it is hard at first I know but once you get used to the idea of being nice to one another we will be able to change lives! Not just ourselves. OK I know what you're thinking! "Laura you're such a hippie" you are probably right but love and charity is what the world needs right now. I am preaching to myself too my brain wants to judge others just as much as the next person it is a real problem I have, I want to be better, stronger, prettier than other girls but that is just the natural woman coming out in me and that is so not attractive.

I just needed to rant for a bit now I have really got to sew and check out the garden! MY BEANS ARE COMING UP! They are so beautiful the most dainty spectacular thing I have seen all week. It smells incredible outside right now too It has rained for a couple of days I am convinced rain is best for gardens.


  1. You are so awesome! I'm glad your garden is doing well. I'm in SL until August but I'll probably come home weekends- I'll have to give you a call sometime

  2. comment.comment.comment.comment.comment. See? I did it.

  3. Okay, I SERIOUSLY WAS thinking, 'Lalo's such a hippie.' RIGHT BEFORE I read, "OK, I know what you're thinking! 'Laura, you're such a hippie'" I think that's the only time that's ever happened to me like that. I'm trippin' out on it!

  4. OK, I'm finally getting around to reading all your posts, trying to catch up. but i wonder if this post has to do with a conversation we'd had awhile back. and we just talked about it again the other night... i say, take your advice "you need to love yourself before you can truly love others." we don't need men to make us happy! we have all the power and we don't even know it... just to simply be happy with ourselves, then nothing else really matters. though this is easier said than done... i wonder if i will ever truly love and accept myself for who i really am... and it's kind of a scary thought.
    and then the looks aspect comes into it. like you said, maybe we as women are part of the big problem, not just society. if we didn't give in and didn't judge maybe things would be different. but society has almost made it normal to be this way, to fret over every small detail of our bodies. it's a twisted cycle.
    a very sad one....


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