Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Word of the Day: Coin Wanking
The act of jangling change held in a suit trouser pocket, usually performed by male office workers whilst stood chatting to colleagues.

Quote of the Day:

Rob: (my supervisor at borders) Laura, you need another distraction like you need a hole in the head.

Currently listening to In Your Eyes ~ Peter Gabriel

Working with adults with disabilities you get to know some of the sweetest, kind, good-hearted, most annoying people you will ever come across. You know a person has disabilities usually by the way they look, they will have strangely shaped bodies or talk funny. Most people are uncomfortable with these guys because they have no personal bubble most of the time and will get too close. Some drool and have snotty faces some can't get to the bathroom on time, others throw fits in public and embarrass their staff I just find these moments entertaining usually, unless I'm the staff. I love these people I know it's not a glorious job to have but I feel like I have the chance to meet some of God's strongest souls. We lost one of these specials last night, her name was Tiffany she was about 4'8 and wore a pink helmet with butterfly puffy stickers on the front every day. Her spine was the shape of an S and she looked like a 8 year old with the face of an older woman. Every time I saw her she would wave me down "hey Lori! Look!" and she would cock her hip to the side and show off whatever she was wearing. She had a cute laugh and would occasionally grab my hand and squeeze as hard as she could which was pretty hard! I saw her minutes before she had a seizure and got hauled away to the hospital where she developed a lung infection and went into a coma and eventually passed away last night. We all took it pretty hard but for me death should be a celebration, I never wear black to a funeral I always wear the brightest clothes. They go so quickly sometimes it is strange how we take advantage of daily life without pain. I will miss her but I am happy she is with her Heavenly Father! Yay for Tiff.... she graduated.


  1. Thank you for this post. I needed it today. I will be forwarding it to my youngest daughter. She is doing a class at school that is a helper to Special Ed. kids. She is finding it difficult.

  2. i think this post brought a tear to my eye... i've never thought about that, wearing bright clothes to a funeral. i think that's a better idea than wearing black. celebrate their life! i think your job is glorious... more glorious than sitting in a cubicle all day. you are making a difference, even if it doesn't always seem like it. you may be giving these special people joy in ways they can't always show.


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