Tuesday, January 13, 2009

yeesh now im interested in strawberry gum

when I said I hated blogging I was serious but when I mentioned to friends that I now have a blog they seemed interested so I guess I have now jumped on the bandwagon so to say. This week has been hectic for me I have new staff at work to train not to mention the loss of my beloved Shad. I realized that I loved him after he left not "in love" of course but just a true friendship love that could possibly last till I see him next which may be the next life haha. I talked with my BFF Summer last night about a cruise we are wanting to take in July, it circles through Jamaica, Cozumel I think Belize and lots of other tropical goodness! needless to say I am way stoked! I am also thinking of taking a few months to teach English in China or Japan maybe Russia and the other option is spending a year in New Zealand working and living. These are just dreams right now of course and I have lots of those.


  1. Do it, girl! If I were a sexy single lady with no kids to TIE ME DOWN *shakes fist*, I would totally be a nomad with you!

    What happened to Shad?

  2. dude! you never told me you were thinking of teaching English in those places! that would be a beautiful experience. and you still need to go to new zealand, it's your destiny.


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