Monday, April 28, 2014


SO I should get caught up a bit with life. 
Andrew got a new job about a month ago working for Vision Works, they pay well and he's happy which in turn makes me happy! He was MISERABLE at Vivint, talking on the phone all day to angry people and I'm happy he got away from all those bro's. School is coming to a close for the summer and I made it into my BFA program which is wonderful and a huge weight off my back. I'm no longer with the UVU Review as the Lead Photo Editor. The new Editor in Chief told me he didn't think my photography was good for his paper and wanted me gone, he did offer me a position as assistant photo editor, which I declined because I thought the switch of power between my assistant and I would have been awkward. I've been shooting for the paper for 2 years, I've been to journalism conferences and taken two upper-division journalism courses that I didn't need in order to shoot accordingly for the Review, my pictures were good, I know they were.  The new EIC and I may have had creative differences, we bickered a couple of weeks ago and since then he's been bullying me and treating me horrible, even though I've tried to repair the relationship by being submissive to his wants (creatively) . So I'm not too surprised though I thought it was a bit low to make such a dramatic decision based on a personal bias. He gave my position to my assistant who hasn't even shot for us a full year. 
I still love that paper though. I told the Life editor that I would want to write for them next year still, and that I'd be good for pictures. 
I was sad. Really sad. I cried for 2 straight days and then I realized something. I'm actually happy! In a way that chauvinistic EIC unintentionally empowered 2 women with his decision. One who gets to have a brand new job and experience, and the other who gets to move on with life, with ample time to be creative. I loved shooting and working with that crew, but shooting so much journalism took it's toll on my creativity. I never wanted to go out and shoot for fun, because that's all I did during the week was shoot. I didn't realize it but I was burned out. I needed to reacquaint myself with my camera and all it can do with me behind the lens. I need to play with my toy cameras again, shoot old color film and get it developed at Macey's crappy photo department and hope for mistakes and anomalies. I just need to play! 

I have an interview tomorrow with the Marriot, working as a room attendant (maid) I wanted something physical over the summer because I'm SO OUT OF SHAPE. I didn't want to sit at a computer all day because it's so depressing. I need to be out and I'll be tired but it will be worth it in the long run. I hope to get out this year and hike with my husband, camp and have a good summer. With all this freedom I'm sure I can accomplish that. 

It snowed today. I actually played a little with my tilt shift, it's been so long since I've shot with it. 


  1. The EIC is an idiot...sorry I know name calling. However, I would rather read a paper with pictures that capture my attention over a paper that just sticks to the melba toast in life and is blah. Sorry about this bump in the road, that EIC definitely lost a true gem that day! However, YAY for finding happiness in it all. I love looking at your pictures, and someday I am sure that EIC will be saying "Oh yeah we even had the famous photographer Laura Fox once shooting pictures for us!" XOXO

  2. Ah Laura! I had to re read that paragraph a few times to make sure what I read was right. That is ridiculous! You are seriously the best photographer I have ever seen! He is just a tad bit jealous and didn't know how to handle it. Sometimes our talents can be a curse ;-)

  3. I'm sorry that the EIC handled things so immaturely. And I admire you for handling it so awesomely! You are an amazing person and an amazing artist and I'm glad I know you!

  4. Oh you guys! Thank you for all your sweet comments!

  5. I can already tell this is going to be awesome for you!


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